As a major industry partner, CHFA seeks to continuously respond to the housing needs of our residents. To do so, we must stay abreast of key market trends, world events, and economic conditions that impact Connecticut families. In this way, we better position ourselves to serve our communities by creating programs and solutions that address these challenges.
In 2019, CHFA published its first Housing Needs Assessment to better understand the landscape of our work. Through that assessment, long held assumptions of deficiencies in the market were confirmed. Simply put, there was just not enough safe, quality, and affordable housing in the state across all income levels. Now, four years later, CHFA feels strongly that the time to revisit the needs assessment has come. Since the original publication, Connecticut residents and the affordable housing community have faced a dramatic upheaval as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that sent shockwaves through the economy and the housing market. In the following pages, we assess the gaps in Connecticut’s housing stock and highlight the influencing factors that have shaped the state's housing market in recent years.